NDN Golf Tourney set for May 24

Photo Credit: Waxahachie Daily Light

The Waxahachie High School Golf Booster Club has announced the 2021 NDN Golf Scholarship Tournament, which will be held Monday, May 24 at Waxahachie Country Club.

Proceeds from the tournament will benefit the Jimmy Lofland, Ron Siebert Scholarship Fund, WHS Golf Scholarship Fund, and the Waxahachie golf program.

The schedule will consist of registration and a fajita lunch at 11 a.m., with door prizes and a raffle to be held at noon, a golf ball drop (which paid out over $500 in prize money last year) at 12:45 p.m. and a shotgun start at 1 p.m.

There is a $400 entry fee per team and a $100 fee per individual, which includes lunch, cart and green fee, mulligans and entry in the putting contest. The putting contest will be held prior to the tournament with a $100 cash prize.

There will be team prizes for the top three as well as individual hole prizes.

Sponsorships are also available, including the top level, Hole-in-One Sponsor, for $1,500, which includes: Sponsor a sleeve of golf balls for each player with a personal or business logo ball; 12 dozen logo’d golf balls for the sponsor; a complimentary team of 4 players (includes lunch, cart, green fee and goodie bag); 25 complimentary raffle tickets and 2 miracle putts, 16 team mulligans, 1 Tiger drive; golf hats and SWAG for team members; inclusion on all print and electronic publicity and media; recognition as hole-in-one sponsor at player registration and on day of event materials; opportunity to distribute promotional items in players goodie bags; and priority hole signage on course.

For more information, contact Lonnie Gaylor at 972-898-9556 or email lgaylor@wisd.org .